The company THERMOTECHNIKA BOHEMIA Ltd. has been operating in the Czech market as a supplier of dispense equipment since 1992. The current shape of the company is the result of long-lasting development and growth. In 1995 the company started to supply also gastro equipment and in 2004 it has become a supplier of high quality Pascucci coffee and its accessories.
Besides the sale of high quality products, THERMOTECHNIKA BOHEMIA Ltd. offers also their installation and service provided by qualified technicians all over the Czech Republic. The service network is formed by internal employees and several cooperating service companies.
The main activity of the company is the service, production and sale of dispense and cooling technology.
The important company suppliers are the firms Dunet, John Guest, Micro Matic, Tubing Food and others.
THERMOTECHNIKA BOHEMIA Ltd. is representative of the Dutch company Gamko (producer of cooling technology) for the entire Czech Republic. Ditl Metal coolers are made under license in Nové Zámky in Slovakia.
Not less important activity of the company is sale of gastro equipment. The biggest customers of the gastro equipment are large kitchens of high schools, elementary schools and kindergartens, as well as other catering facilities.
Companies Bemeta, Elethermax, Gamko, Gastrohaal, GS Technik and others are among the important producers and the company suppliers.
In June 2007 THERMOTECHNIKA BOHEMIA Ltd. became a member of an international group European Economic Interest Group THERMOTECHNIKA CROWN COOL.
The European Economic Interest Group THERMOTECHNIKA CROWN COOL is an international coalition made up of companies from the following countries: Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia and Romania.
Companies forming this Interest Group have decided to perform under the common name and logo in order to support one another, cooperate and commonly offer products and services for continuous quality improvement.
You can find the complete offer of our products on the website